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The dark lord has  been summoned.

To mark the winter solstice we made a stout with our mates a few doors down on Beaumont Street, LORDS COFFEE & ASSOCIATES.  We call it THE DARK LORD Stout.


To the mash we added our base pale malt (60% of the grain bill) then we layered in a lightly roasted Munich malt (15%), along with a mix of speciality grains Victory, Extra Special and Midnight Wheat. These provide both colour and depth of flavour. To finish, we've topped off with flaked oats to allow a creamy texture. 


Once we got hold of our delicious LORDS COFFEE, we weighed out 500g of whole beans, roasted earlier that morning, then dropped them into the brewery basket and steeped them in the whirlpool for 900 seconds. Cold Brew concentrate was later added to the fermenter to ensure the rich flavours carried through all the way to the final vessel. Born on Beaumont Street. 

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